Remember that this land has been quarried, therefore care should be taken at all times whilst visiting Ridge Wood. Unauthorised access to quarry areas is not permitted. For your own safety please stay on the waymarked paths at all times

School Safety
All off-site visits must be carried out in accordance with LEA and school guidelines. Please also remember that Ridge Wood is well-visited by dog-walkers. You are advised to take e.g. detergent wipes with you and to make sure children wash their hands thoroughly on return from field trips

Please contact
Richard Aston (South Gloucestershire Council Countryside Officer, tel: 01454 863595) if planning a visit with your group. You will find out if any site works are planned or it there are any safety issues that might affect you.

Content on other websites
We are not responsible for the content of other websites we have linked to, but believe them to be genuinely useful and unlikely to cause you or your pupils any problems

Take your litter home with you. It can trap and endanger wildlife, and it is a problem at Ridge Wood. It is also a criminal offence carrying fines of up to £20,000 or imprisonment. To report tipping or to have bulky items collected for free simply ring South Gloucestershire Council: 01454 868000

Cycling/mountain biking and motorbikes are not allowed within the woodland.

Garden waste
Keep garden waste out of the Wood. It rots and encourages rampant plants to smother wildflowers

Whilst many dog owners clean up and dog bins are provided, take care to avoid allowing dog mess. Please keep dogs under proper control

Guard against risk of fire

Taking care

Avoid damaging fences, hedges and walls

Report any other problems to South Gloucestershire Council: 01454 868000

Thank you

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